Execution: Marketing Communications
Even the greatest new product won’t make a dime for you if no one knows about it. You need to generate market awareness, promote trial and create demand with a powerful, on-target message that hits home with your customer. And the dollars you spend on marketing communications must provide you with solid, measurable results in terms of lead generation, closed sales and return on investment.
Customer Communications
What’s your message? How creatively does it capture attention and help you stand out from the crowd? Does it accurately reflect the image of your company and your products? The Green Edge can help you identify your audience, package, your message, and define the most effective vehicles and media for reaching your customer.
Channel Communications
It’s one thing to sell a product. It’s another thing to sell a business opportunity. Why should distributor management stock and promote your line? How do you turn licensees and DSR’s into pro-active sales representatives for your company? The key is to show them how they can make more money by partnering with you. And then you have to give them the tools and the support to do the job.
TGE provides a full range of print and electronic marketing communications that are strategically integrated from identity and branding through sales collateral, direct mail, media, advertising, website design & development, and packaging.