Execution: Education and Training
People won’t buy your products if your sales force and distributors don’t know how to sell them. And even the best products will fail if people don’t know how to use them.
Sales Training
Today’s company sales representative must be a knowledgeable and professional consultative resource to even get in the customer’s door. And the average distributor sales representative who handles thousands of different products must be motivated and educated to sell your line. In today’s environment “you can’t sell if you can’t teach” so your reps must be prepared to serve as effective training resources.
End-User Training
Your customers demand increased productivity from high turnover employees (that may have varying degrees of language and literacy skills). Customers need all the help they can get to train these works in basic procedures, mandated safety practices, product application and troubleshooting.
The Green Edge offers:
• Print, electronic and online training
• Sales & end-user training and education programs
• Multilingual, foreign language, and icon-based instruction
• “Train-the-Trainer” kits